So I know a little about art or at least I know what I like. Seeing as I’m  not entrenched in it and I’m pretty open minded, so to each his own. Yet somethings baffle me. I clocked on to Show Studio to see Millie Browns show knowing that she is the pukey girl. She basically drinks milk and food colouring and yaks all over a canvas. Okay so understanding the concept is one thing and seeing the final outcome is another. But it still leaves me thinking that this cant be good for you right. If you vomit to get things out of your body as a natural reaction then won’t it affect your digestive system some how with repeated vomiting? Didnt know how I would feel about it but it was strangely facinating. I mean watching a friend vomit it pretty  funny but this shit it like a train wreak, I cant stop watching. I’m even saying to myself ‘come on love give us a show‘ I want to see some projectile thug thizzle…

I’m sure it’s a skill? is it? More power to the bitch if she wants to do that, I’m obviously watching this shit. Fuck it! She isn’t my sister but I’d like to think that shit wont fuck up her insides. Regardless it’s an interesting fomrat Show Studios put together. The two opera singers Patricia Hammond and Zita Syme give a somewhat eerie feel to the whole performance. The atmosphere is clinical and clean the strong colours the only warmth in a cold sterile setting. Millie is a visual contrast; dressed in all black sporting giant horse hooves for heels, she sits in the corner like an innocent girl on the naughty step. She nonchalantly drinks these goblets of colour patiently only broken up by her straw stirring the concoction. All the while I’m getting tense because I know whats coming and wonder how it’s going to pan out? Will the camera change angle? will she get on all fours? Will it be projectile (i’m hoping it will)? Will the 2 emotive singers break note and watch her? She gets up re-ups with another glass of blue milk, drinks some more then moves to the adjacent side of the room.


Her weedy physique leans over the canvas which is already awash with green and yellow, fingers are now touching throat. She continues a cycle of gagging, pulling her fingers in and out of her mouth (the bitch would be good at deep throat for the man dem!) then she yaks a disappointing amount of blue. all the while I’m grabbing screenshots waiting for a good one. She must be raging with adrenaline at this point. I know what its like when I puke hard, my eyes are blood shoot and strangely I feel slightly alive again amidst the pain of acidic bile in my mouth. But to go over and over and over fuck me! Some are braver than others.

ENOUGH NOW, I’ve said TOO MUCH, buuurrrpp